That’s right; after two years in the making, we made it official on May 31st. Born German, we are grateful for our upbringing and the opportunities provided by our families. How else would we know that it’s unacceptable to leave the house with unironed underwear, or that you are a late bloomer when you try your first beer at age 13? And no, we don’t eat Schnitzel, Sauerbraten, and Bratwurst every day (although we could), and not all of us participate in the towel wars, reserving each single chair at the pool or beach while on vacation.

There are a few stereotypes however popping into my mind that are probably true for us:
Autobahn: nobody will ever forget the first time driving 200 km/h on the Autobahn – just to be overtaken by a Porsche with 300 km/h.
Football: We (in our case one of us) love Football (Soccer, that is).
Punctuality: If you aren’t early – you are late. Do I need to say more?
And then there are all the things Canadian that we came to appreciate and love: The Rockies – and the Oceans, Maple Syrup, Hockey, Northern Lights, Multiculturalism, Politeness, and at times even Poutine and Nanaimo bars.
Let’s also touch on Canadianism: never before moving here did I hear the words toque, Muskoka Chair, Homo Milk, Double Double, Loonie, or Two-Four in the context used in Canada.

German, Canadian, or both – it doesn’t really matter. We all have our little irks and quirks, and that’s awesome if you embrace it. We all go through challenging times and it takes grace to brave through uncertainty. In times of social media and instant gratification we suffer more than ever to tolerate the pain of not knowing.

And this is where life on a boat is coming in; the healing aspect of dealing with the elements while using your body and brain provides great satisfaction. The next adventure is just around the corner; with a couple of days left in BC waters, we are heading for Port Angeles to check into the USA and from there we are very slowly making our way south. Unchartered waters for us; we are ready!

Hello dears, nice to hear from you and to follow how well you are doing and what interesting things you are experiencing. The comparison of German and Canadian virtues was also nice to read. We wish you a great time. I hope we’ll see each other again soon. feel cuddled . Lars $ Romy
Torsten Schulz
Hello you two, and good to hear from you. Hope all is good and you are enjoying summer in Germany.
Barbi and Jim
You two are an inspiration! Follow your dreams into the unknown and keep sharing the love as you go. We are so grateful to have met you.
With love,
Torsten Schulz
Likewise Barbie; fascinating how unexpected encounters can make a difference. Jim will be pleased to hear that Torsten bought the recommended cleaning products; now we just have to use them.
Safe travels guys!
We are headed north, thru fog, on the johnstone strait, while you head south 👍
Looking forward to your updates 😘
Torsten Schulz
Stay well, Pat, and have fun travelling North on your beautiful boat. I am certain our paths will cross again.
Bruce and Kathy
Congratulations and you’re almost pseudo Aussies with the Canadian passports. Enjoy many more fantastic adventure…. with or without your favourite lambskin footwear.
It seems like your vocab is being challenged. Food wise… maybe as well. We didn’t ever acquire the taste for poutine. Good luck with that; and, Tim Hortons coffee.
Torsten Schulz
Totally forgot about Timmy‘s. Australia ruined it for me; still raving about – and missing the culinary scene.
Congratulations on finally getting your passports! Well earned – you two are more Canadian than most Canadians I know!
Welcome to the club, you hosers!
PS – Steffi: nice toque eh?
Stefanie Schulz
Best toque ever, Danny. As a good Canadian you pick your team and proudly wear your colours. Hope to fly the Oilers flag during playoffs in Mexico next year.